20.10.10, 09:04 - Linux
the long awaited webos 2..0 update showed up for developers some time ago, now more and more details about the new device pre2 pop up:basically identical design to the former palm pre plus, but a 1 ghz processor inside and a better (glas) touchscreen. this 1 ghz is (as you might have read in one of my prior postings) the speed of an regular overclocked pre (and a speed comparision on precentral showd no differences bet. a overclocked pre and a pre2).

now whats really really thrilling is webos 2.0: a lot of improvements have been done to the gui, like stacks, but also a set of new functions see the light of the day:
- flashplayer in browser \o/
- serial bluetooth connections (i.e. for bt keyboards)
- add your own search engines for universal search
- edit the text assistant
- vpn included
- IM clients yahhoo and fb
- a lot more

so, i'm prepared with my overclocked "old" pre, those fruit guys that were already jealous now ralph. this device is 10000% more usable than a humanoid roboter telephone.
well, looks like HP brought palm back on top of the fightclub
so long, lkets lean back and enjoy our pre
some links in german: