15.6.10, 14:55
I simply cannot believe it: since 3 month ebooks pop up in my palm appcatalogue. well, all these books are not copy right protected and can be read free anyway :-O it doesnt matter if shakespeare or goethe: project gutenberg offers them for free.to view them in a comfortable way, choose "html uncompressed".
here one of my fav's:
http://www.gutenberg.org/files/21000/21 ... 1000-h.htm
there is another "projekt gutenberg" offered by the german mag "Spiegel". it's regular updated and contains more books in german language. tip: choose "Druckversion" here to recieve a readable document.
this tip is also meant for friends starting a midsommar trip to swede. have a nice holiday. :*
specially for you hfcoma: \o/
dottore di internet
please do not spend money for things that are free. this is an axiome for life