HP is taking the gloves off 
26.1.12, 09:47 - Linux
gepostet von web doc
es geht los: HP macht tatsächlich ernst, den "Mobile Endgeräte Markt" auf der Opensource Schiene zu erobern und somit mein absolut favorisiertes Betriebssystem webOS wiederzubeleben:
Als ersten Schritt wurde ENYO geöffnet:
http://blog.palm.com/palm/2012/01/today ... -piec.html and http://developer.palm.com/blog/?p=5085
Was ist ENYO? - wikipedia (hope someone will add an entry here :-D ) Enyo ist der Kern des Webosfeelings

der nächste Schritt ist "open webos 1.0" (alle techniken und webos4) http://www.extremetech.com/computing/11 ... -announced

Jetzt wird hoffentlich webos die anerkennung bekommen, die es verdient. iOS wird in der bedeutungslosigkeit versinken, winmobile scheitern (und wer benutzt schon android ;-) )
danke HP für die Anstengung, wieder ein paar Credits zurück zu bekommen, die ihr mir leo "dem Schlächter" Apotheker verloren habt.

a good day for mobile computing!

Richards rants... and why he sadly is right 
3.1.12, 15:18 - Linux
gepostet von web doc

My #1 newssite http://www.osnews.com (beside the retrocomputing stuff) and its main editor thom holwerda are taking a closer look at what stallmann said the last 30 years and why this sadly is becoming reality ...
http://www.osnews.com/story/25469/Richa ... _All_Along

Up until relatively recently, it's been easy to dismiss Richard Stallman as a paranoid fanatic, someone who lost touch with reality long ago. A sort of perpetual computer hippie, the perfect personification of the archetype of the unworldly basement-dwelling computer nerd. His beard, his hair, his outfits - in our visual world, it's simply too easy to dismiss him.

But here we are, at the start of 2012. Obama signed the NDAA for 2012, making it possible for American citizens to be detained indefinitely without any form of trial or due process, only because they are terrorist suspects. At the same time, we have SOPA, which, if passed, would enact a system in which websites can be taken off the web, again without any form of trial or due process, while also enabling the monitoring of internet traffic. Combine this with how the authorities labelled the Occupy movements - namely, as terrorists - and you can see where this is going.

Only a short while ago I would've declared this as pure paranoia - but with all that's been going on recently, it's no longer paranoia. It's reality.

I have to admit...


EEEPC - new life for an old doorstopper 
16.11.11, 12:23 - Linux
gepostet von web doc
ich war in letzter Zeit immer unzufriedener mit easy peasy.
das lag hauptsächlich daran, dass das System an sich immer resourcenfressender wurde.
- der festspeicher war nach jedem update voll,
- ich habe jedesmal mehr pakete runterwerfen müsen um noch platz zu haben.
- alles wurde langsamer
- ubuntu hängt mit dem kernel mächtig hinterher

natürlich sind die eingebauten 4gb nicht der riesenwurf. aber das erklärt noch nicht die stete verlangsamung des systems.

also habe ich mich wieder mal auf die suche begeben und ein neue linuxgeschmacksrichtung gesucht. im angebot waren einige, allerdings stach ein blogeintrag in dem alle möglichen linuxvarianten für netbooks vorgestellt wurden raus:
fuduntu soll sehr viel schneller sein als easypeasy

ich hatte keine ahnung was fuduntu sein sollte ausser einem dämichen namen, also nix wie geklickt: http://www.fuduntu.org/
- es basiert auf fedora, nicht auf debian,
- neuere kernels,
- mehr performance

na wenn das nicht vollmundig ist.
ich habe allerdings mit meinem eeepc701 nicht die systemanforderungen erfüllt (5gb festplatte) und so habe ich einen 10 euro 8gb dicken mini usb stick misbraucht um fuduntu zu installieren .
was soll ich noch sagen, ausser dass die versprechungen stimmen:
alle hardware erkannt.
alles sehr reaktiv, kein langes warten
alle codecs dabei
flash auch schon installiert (youtube rennt)

es ist kein office paket installiert, stattdessen wird auf googledocs verwiesen (was sinnvoll ist - libreoffice ist hoffnungslos auf einem netbook)

ich bin seehr zufrieden...
yours webdoc

TPM TC UEFI and Richards rants 
19.10.11, 09:51 - Linux
gepostet von web doc
This morning I stumbled across FSF's statement on secure booting your computer, and especially microsofts new windows8. microsoft is trying to let computer producers certificate their products for win8, which includes "secure booting" by UEFI, the modern bios replacement. (read http://www.uefi.org/specs/ specially the TPM part)
Basically this means that a system will only boot if its trustworthy:
a little chip on the motherbord (trusted platform module - TPM) is able to check the operating system for genuineness.

TPM goes a lot further and is able to do a lot more, like key generation, checking certificates, etc. Just imagine a little smartcard build into the computer.

now what lets the free software foundation run wild?
the fear that Trusted Computing (TC) can be used to prevent operating systems to boot, that are not certified, because they have no certificate, like free software operating systems. From Wikipedia:
TC is controversial because it is technically possible not just to secure the hardware for its owner, but also to secure against its owner.

(ever tried to run linux on a XBOX360? hehe same trick here...)

First: TPM /UEFI can be used by linux to make it more secure. The Linux kernel has driver support for TPM chips since 2.6.12 and EFI since 2.6.25
Second: It will be a big win for linux to use it.
Third: TC is per definition Software neutral. Read the Trusted computing group homepage.

read http://lwn.net/Articles/144681/ :
The point is that there are legitimate uses for a hardware-based mechanism which can, with a reasonable level of confidence, verify that a system's software has not been compromised.

this is exactly what i try to say.
If UEFI is implemented the right way, there is no need to fear anything, and no need to trouble over microsofts call to make computers more save. even i do admit to use TMP n some cases.

r.i.p. dmr 
13.10.11, 09:16 - Linux
gepostet von web doc
Dennis Ritchie passed away oct. 8th 2011.
the creator of C died aged 70. it's needless to count his innovations.

another idol gone :(

http://boingboing.net/2011/10/12/dennis ... entor.html
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s ... m/who/dmr/
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s ... /hist.html

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