stuxnet - how good governmental cyberterrorists really are! 
28.9.10, 15:17
gepostet von web doc
some years ago i got the chance to take a closer look into computersecurity, by visiting the course "SECU" in FFMs university held by prof. dr. k. rannenberg ...
he told us, that we cannot imagine the power and equipment security services have and what they are able to.

well: read this story:

a virus infected industrial computers by utilizing 4 (!) unknown windows exploits. it should have itself switched off by spring 2009, but as some computers were dated back to prolong software licenses, so it survived and was found ... 1 1/2 years later.

this unique piece of software, which was perfectly programmed and hidden in the systems, must have been created by professionals such as security services. it infiltrated mainly iranian computers and control systems.

if you combine massive problems of iranian enrichment of uranium since spring 2009 with the now occured news, it seems very very obvious who is behind this cyberwar.

no windows computer is safe against this virus, which was brought in by a single usb stux.

we learn 2 lessons:
- dont use windows.
- never ever put a foreign usbstick in your computer

read the german article in

nevertheless is leaves a bad aftertaste (this word really sounds disgusting in english :-) ), what if all atomic plants are infected. what if large industrial complexes are already under control. what if there are other viruses with different exploits infecting banking systems and stock markets, controlling prices.

i am really not a fan of conspiracy theories, but right now i feel the need to take on my tinfoil hat again...

golem befragte zum thema den "security experten" ralph langer. Zitat:
. Den Schadcode für die Anlagen selbst könnten "weltweit vielleicht zehn Leute entwickeln, und drei davon sitzen bei uns im Büro", sage der Security-Experte. Und weiter: "Ich kann Ihnen aber versichern, wir waren's nicht!".

... wenn der markt so klein ist, wird er die anderen 7 persönlich kennen :P

bored of fresh air? 
24.9.10, 10:19 - Dies und Das
gepostet von web doc
dieses wochenende gibt's zwiebelkuchen nach opas rezept:

teig: mürbeteig
70g butter
220 g mehl
salz (1tl)
1/8 L wasser oder milch
1/2 pck backpulver
butter schaumig rühren nach und nach den rest zugeben. Auf einem blech ausrollen

6-8 größe zwiebeln
50g butter
80g speck
60 g mehl
2-3 eier
300 g schmand
ein wenig kümmel

in der butter die feingeschnittenen zwiebeln dünsten. Mehl und schmand glattrühren. Eier, salz, kümmel und zwiebeln in den schmand geben. Auf dem mürbeteig geben und die speckwürfel drauf verteilen. Im Ofen schön braun backen.

dazu ordentlich federweiser :D
status updates:.. 
15.9.10, 15:35 - Dies und Das
gepostet von web doc
well, maybe i've noted b4, but as every year i attended on Laurentiuskerbs Montagsfrühschoppen, for all my non german followers: a opportunity to drink a lot of alcohol on monday morning in usingen/germany :-)

Meanwhile I'm recovered...
-> and as every year I swear to never drink any alcohol again.

want some impressions? here we go: (click to enlarge)

we are under the ballooncluster :-)

yummy: beer with mett + zwiebel-decoration

not drunk!

who the hell is this?

so long
golden rules of life 
7.9.10, 11:52 - Dies und Das
gepostet von web doc
I just recalled a very impressive night back in 1995, short after my "university-entrance diploma" (abitur)

We met a girl called Delphine, an belgian exchange student. She was humorous and good looking, my friends took her with us to the very last night of the kanzleramt. (a very small club in bad nauheim, but its artists all became famous, such as heiko laux, anthony rother, johannes heil, pat lindsey. it was located Schnurstraße 12 Eingang Apfelstraße)

So we've had a great time in there, as it would have closed anyway, the bunch decided to blast away everything, destroy the inside and just drink to forget.

seconds before the police arrived, we decided (delphine wasnt 18 yet) to drive home, full of endorphines, happy like hell for being a part of clubbing history, but also a little sad, for this great time will never come back.

So we drove down the valley to a well known fireplace, where rehcil was chilling with his former gf sabine.
delphine started to share her "golden rules of life"

#1 - who is your best friend? - latex
#2 - be careful, fire burns
#3 - well, i actually forget this one :-D

as im growing older, i must say, these 2 recalled rules should be tagged in 50 feet large letters to the deutsche bank towers!!11eleven
all this is now 15 years ago, f*ck, i'm getting old.

sigh. keep the spirit alive,

UPDATE: 28.9.10 :)
facebook is a good place to search for a belgian girl called delphine i really found her, and guess what, she diesn't remember me :-)
I got the chance to talk to Tor Sten, one of the ppl celebrating this described night: the missing third rule is....


"Don't drink and drive!"


so long. have a nice week.

new webOS food... 
28.8.10, 12:57 - Dies und Das
gepostet von web doc
beside the Gameboy Emulator VBA dtzwill released a Supernintendo Emu .. ... lator.html
(well this one is beta right now, downloadable via webos-internal beta feed)

and even better... a dreamcast emu popped up
as well as a usable vnc client.
both in the normal app cataloge

simply good this system.

i love my pre

<<alpha <Zurück | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | Weiter> omega>>