2.2.21, 08:46 - retro & C64
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Just a minor update for my PAL-1 ... a little acryl housing

so long
KIM-1 scrolltext 
23.1.21, 20:29 - retro & C64
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results in the Punchtape Output

Start the programm at 0200.

Have fun,
MOS KIM-1 resources 
20.1.21, 14:31 - retro & C64
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This is a linklist, or a personal reminder for myself to collect KIM-programs, books, links and so on...

Games: https://github.com/jefftranter/6502/tree/master/asm/KIM-1/TheFirstBookOfKIM/Games

Short KIM Reference: https://github.com/jefftranter/6502/blob/master/docs/KIM-1QuickReference.pdf

Micro Magazine
Micro Magazine List https://archive.org/details/micromagazine
Best of micro: https://archive.org/details/Best_of_Micro_The_Volume_1_1978_COMPUTERIST_The_US
Best of Micro #2 https://archive.org/details/Best_of_Micro_The_Volume_2_1979_COMPUTERIST_The_US

Tiny Basic Anleitung https://archive.org/details/tiny-basic-handbuch-hofacker

Hans Otten's KIM Sites: http://retro.hansotten.nl/6502-sbc/kim- ... -software/
Hans Otten's Micro-KIM Resources http://retro.hansotten.nl/6502-sbc/kim- ... micro-kim/

De KIM Kenner und "De 6502 Kenner" http://retro.hansotten.nl/6502-sbc/kim-6502-up-kenner/

First Book of KIM https://archive.org/details/The_First_Book_of_KIM

Erik Bartmanns KIM Seite https://www.erik-bartmann.de/?Projekte___KIM_1

A MOS Technology 6510 Cross-Assembler and Disassembler: win2c64/lin2c64/mac2c64 mit Paper output ... https://www.aartbik.com/retro.php

Briel Forum (with AARTs totorials) http://www.brielcomputers.com/phpBB3/vi ... amp;t=1739

Rich Cini's scanned magazines (Kim Notes, Micro and many more http://cini.classiccmp.org/mags.htm#KIMNotes

PAL-1 - the KIM-1 Clone 
17.1.21, 12:49 - retro & C64
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The PAL-1, a KIM-1 Clone arrived on thursday direct from Wuhan. It is kind of similar to Ruud's and Vinces KIM Clones, with a new and very clean and clear motherboard layout.
You may ask what the KIM-1 is. Well, it's the famous preprepredecessor of all homecomputers. Really all.
I't ROM contained 2 Operating systems, switchable by a jumper: One for the onboard I/O (it is equipped with 6 LED digits for output and 23 buttons for input) and the second for serial line I/O.

My soldering skills were enough to assemble the kit in 3 hours. The power input states 6VDC, but my experience was that the 7805 needs a bit more to let the serial Line work correct. I chose 7.5 V.

To transfer programs to the KIM, you can paste Textfiles from the Terminal program. It needs a bit of tinkering to find the exact delay
200 ms Line delay and 20 ms Character delay is working for my setup
(after each Line a checksum is being sent, so the line delay must be a bit higher).

TinyBasic (4 kb) transfered in 2 minutes, lager programs wil be a pita.

So, now let's start reading "The First Book of KIM" by Butterfield, Ockers, Rehnke and push the limits

So long,

Evolution in Homecomputing 
16.1.21, 14:11 - retro & C64
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Just recently I biuld a KIM-1 Clone. Kim-1? Yes, one of the (if not the) first affordable computers for home usage (aka homecomputer) from 1975.

on the left: the real thing, on the right a clone with original chips.

Its barely comparable to what computers nowadays look like:
A unshielded motherboard, 6 LED digits as output, 23 input buttons for programming the thing direct with assembly language.
It was planned as a proof of concept for the 6502 processor by MOS technologies, running at the speed of 1 MHz with 2 KB ROM and 1 KB RAM, expandable up to 64 kb.
As storage you needed to wire a casette tape recorder.

Back than a revolution: a real computer for around 200 Dollar.
The KIM-1 was a full success. Even after MOS was bought up by Commodore, this Computer thing was produced until 1979. Several expansion kits were available, as well as the Microsoft basic interpreter and the next step Homecomputer, a PET 2001, based upon the KIM Design, was available in 1977.
The feeling to write your own program, on a computer you actually can afford must have been better than sex.

Please compare this setup to computing nowadays: A kid with an smartphone is only able to create some TIKTOK shit. Undereducated hillbillies rant on twitter and think they won an election, because everyone in their filterbubble did vote for trump. The underlying technologie is of no interest anymore.

An average smartphone is 30000 times faster and has four million times the memory of the old KIM-1, and nobody knows how to actually use it.

When did things start to go wrong? Was it when normal people build their geocities sites? Even in the end 90s people were fascinated by this form of computing and communication. They still need to build the webpages using html. You actually had to learn to participate.
Later, when 'web 3.0' buzzered in our ears, companies realized how to transfer this knowledge gap into money. facebook, twitter, google are so incredible overpowered because they are tending the sheep. Eat, shit, give wool. This is what 99% of the users are for.

More of my kim-1 l8r

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